Counterfactual conditionals...
Evoking the new city. Milan...
Empire and communities. A u...
The imaginative mind. Imagi...
Unframing aesthetics
Asian philosophical texts. ...
Gender & design. Positionen...
Rethinking moral responsibi...
Great art critics (1750-200...
Living in Milan. Housing po...
Led Zeppelin's will to power
Varieties of causal explana...
Cinema & Cie. International...
The tenth circle
The aesthetics of experienc...
Philosophical news (2017). ...
Philosophical news (2018). ...
Future humanism. Know thyself
In-security. The communicat...
Choose, decide, change. Why...
David Hume. The sceptical c...
Thus replied Zarathustra
Women and peace. A new trai...
Islam and democracy. Voices...
Adorno and popular music. A...
Solidarity bodies. Workfare...
Design (&) activism. Perspe...
L'uomo umido. Diòcreme in v...
Chiasmi international. Ediz...
Floating tomb: black metal ...
The Mediterranean as a sour...
Cinema and ontology
Atmospheres of learning. Ho...
Intervision handbook. The G...
New phenomenology. A brief ...
Landscape by signs. Ediz. i...
Retold resold transformed. ...
Aesthetics, literature, and...
Fernando Pessoa. A quasi me...
Original sins. Globalizatio...
A petty statesman. Writings...
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