Concrescence and transition...
Beyond the walls of Baghdad
Vanishing subjectivity. Flo...
The boy who sees with his f...
Giovanni Hautmann and the p...
The atmospherical «we». Moo...
Cinéma & Cie. International...
The «aging» of Adorno's aes...
Performance/Art. The veneti...
Imaginaries in geometry
Phenomenology of wind and a...
Food, my frenemy. EMDR, the...
Aesthetics and values. Cont...
In praise of the West
Intertwining (2021). Vol. 3...
Images, philosophy, communi...
Biopolitics for beginners. ...
Understanding social confli...
The tradition of european c...
Science and interpretation
Chiasmi international. Ediz...
Gnostic jihadism. A philoso...
Troubled legitimation. Habe...
Human space
Freedom in nets
Clockwork enemy. Xenophobia...
Moving pictures, living mac...
Unusual psychoanalytical no...
Resounding spaces. Approach...
Philosophical news (2017). ...
Philosophical news (2018). ...
Philosophical news (2019). ...
Principles of Gestalt psych...
Crime and custom in savage ...
Society and the city. The d...
Interregnum. Between biopol...
Furusato. «Home» at the nex...
«Design» is power. The dark...
A history of cinema without...
Intertwining. Vol. 2: Bauku...
Nishida Kitaro's philosophy...
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