Last days of June. Terminal illness. A story. Care giving. A guide. Death. A discussion di Paul Stephen Dean - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Last days of June. Terminal illness. A story. Care giving. A guide. Death. A discussion
Paul Stephen Dean

Last days of June. Terminal illness. A story. Care giving. A guide. Death. A discussion

Editore: Europa Edizioni

Reparto: Letterature straniere: testi

ISBN: 9791220150033

Data di pubblicazione: 03/06/2024

Numero pagine: 156

Collana: Edificare universi

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Daily life changes drastically when Stephen's mother, June is diagnosed with a terminal neurological condition. Take a journey with Stephen and June while they prepare to tackle the challenges and changes that terminal illness brings. Stephen brings the reader so close to the story that you'll feel a part of the laughter, the tears, the fear, and the love. Moving through diagnosis, to caregiving and finally being in the room with Stephen and his mom when her life ends. It's an incredibly honest and moving story that opens discussions and reflections on medical assistance in dying and its potential legalization all over the world. Whether you are healthy or sick, currently involved in a terminal illness or prone to thinking about the future then this book is for you.

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