Environmental crisis and pandemic. A challenge for psychoanalysis di McWilliams Nancy; Stolorow Robert D.; Catz Hilda; Leo G. (cur.) - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Environmental crisis and pandemic. A challenge for psychoanalysis
McWilliams Nancy , Stolorow Robert D. , Catz Hilda

Environmental crisis and pandemic. A challenge for psychoanalysis

Editore: Frenis Zero

Reparto: Psicologia

ISBN: 9788897479314

Data di pubblicazione: 10/08/2020

Numero pagine: 303

Collana: Confini della psicoanalisi



The book concerns contemporary psychoanalysis dealing with recent discontents due to pandemic and climate change. After the foreword written by Robert D. Stolorow, "Planet Earth. Crumbling Metaphysical Illusion", and the introduction written by the editor, Giuseppe Leo, the section "Psychoanalysis in Pandemic Times" (writings by Nancy McWilliams, Anna Ferruta, Hilda Catz, Giuseppe Riefolo, Merav Roth, and Cosimo Schinaia) concerns how to applyanalysis to the Covid-19 crisis (psychoanalysis as a tool for interpretation of the pandemic crisis at various levels, individual, social, political) but also how to practice analysis under the Covid-19 pandemic (dealing with the conditions under which the practise of psychoanalysis is possible in such an unprecedented global context). The section "When the psychoanalyst is the patient" contains the memoir written by Pietro Roberto Goisis, a Milan-based psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who survived the coronavirus. In this pandemic both analyst and patient have to deal with a dangerous external reality, with the supplementary task for therapist of helping the patient face his/her internal jeopardy. Finally in the section "Psychoanalysis and Climate Change" there is the chapter written by Marco Francesconi and Daniela Scotto di Fasano.

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