Order for the celebration of Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours according to the Roman General Calendar. Liturgical Year 2021-2022. In accordance with the third typical edition of the Roman Missal di - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Order for the celebration of Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours according to the Roman General Calendar. Liturgical Year 2021-2022. In accordance with the third typical edition of the Roman Missal

Order for the celebration of Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours according to the Roman General Calendar. Liturgical Year 2021-2022. In accordance with the third typical edition of the Roman Missal

Editore: CLV

Reparto: Teologia sociale ed ecclesiastica

ISBN: 9788873672821

Data di pubblicazione: 07/05/2021

Numero pagine: 208



Calendario ufficiale in inglese che ordina le celebrazioni liturgiche della Messa e della Liturgia delle Ore per tutto l'anno 2022.


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