Public law and regulation. Collected essays di Cicchetti Anna; Frosini Justin O.; Gola Marcella - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Public law and regulation. Collected essays
Cicchetti Anna , Frosini Justin O. , Gola Marcella

Public law and regulation. Collected essays

Editore: Maggioli Editore

Reparto: Diritto

ISBN: 9788838765674

Data di pubblicazione: 01/11/2011

Numero pagine: 224

Collana: Impresa mercato istituzioni



The relationship between public law and economics has taken on a renewed significance over recent years due to the broad range of objectives recognised as being in the public interest and pursued by national and supranational policies. This collection of essays highlights the role of public institutions with regard to issues of a general nature ranging from the use of energy resources to the regulation of banking and financial services, from respect for the environment to the protection of cultural heritage, from fiscal devolution to the role of constitutional and supreme courts in economic transitions. The essays are based on a series of seminars held at the Rimini Campus of the University of Bologna's Faculty of Economics in cooperation with the Center for Constitutional Studies and Democratic Development (CCSDD). Anna Cicchetti is Assistant Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Bologna. Justin Orlando Frosini is Assistant Professor of Public Law at the Bocconi University, Milan. Marcella Gola is Full Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Bologna.


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