(Neuro)leadership and marketing. How leaders promote themselves and how we perceive them di Caratù Myriam; Vlahovic Sanja - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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(Neuro)leadership and marketing. How leaders promote themselves and how we perceive them
Caratù Myriam , Vlahovic Sanja

(Neuro)leadership and marketing. How leaders promote themselves and how we perceive them

Editore: McGraw-Hill Education

Reparto: Gestione e servizi ausiliari

ISBN: 9788838613302

Data di pubblicazione: 15/03/2025

Numero pagine: 192

Collana: Economia e discipline aziendali

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This book offers a constructive perspective about the integration of leadership and marketing: one of its most innovative and original aspects is its redefinition of the link between these two fields of study, not as a mere tool for gaining consensus, but to build transparent and responsible leadership. Through a combination of theoretical models and practical case studies, the authors highlight that effective leadership is not simply about strategic self-positioning in the marketplace of ideas, but also about the ability to manage expectations, communicate effectively, and maintain consistency between messaging and real-world actions.


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