The science of pranayama di Saraswati Sivananda Swami - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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The science of pranayama
Saraswati Sivananda Swami

The science of pranayama

Editore: StreetLib

Reparto: Altre religioni. religione comparata

ISBN: 9788834130193

Data di pubblicazione: 04/06/2019



The practice of Pranayama has been viewed with fear in certain quarters on account of certain limitations, viz., the absolute necessity of the nearness to a perfected Guru, the dietetic restrictions and the like. Sri Swamiji has explained herein in clear terms the vagaries of such fears and has prescribed very simple and safe methods. The book contains suitable lessons for all types of Sadhakas. Those who follow the special instructions given towards the end of the book can be sure of their guaranteed success and safety.

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