Basic principles of managerial accounting di Miroglio Franco - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Basic principles of managerial accounting
Miroglio Franco

Basic principles of managerial accounting

Editore: EGEA

Reparto: Gestione e servizi ausiliari

ISBN: 9788823891708

Data di pubblicazione: 13/11/2023

Numero pagine: 224

Collana: Lezioni e letture

Si fa attendere


The fundamental principles of managerial accounting, which inspire the structure and functioning of cost measurement systems, the definition of performance objectives that support the execution of the strategy, the choice of target parameters on which management is evaluated, and the framework of accounting information systems, re-present a body of knowledge that completes a managerial profile. Anyone working in a company, even outside the finance field, experiences the consequences of the imple-mented managerial accounting system. Those working in Administration and Control functions, which are increasingly integrated today, are used to manage mechanisms whose implementation logic often dates back several years and are required to evolve them in line with the company's evolution. This book, starting from the company and its strategy, from the organizational structure in piace to achieve strategic objectives, from the fundamental economic and financial sustainability that must always be guaranteed, develops a journey to disco-ver the managerial accounting mechanisms necessary to meet emerging governance needs. The goal is to provide managers with some insight into mechanisms adopted by their own company and to give students, even if they are not interested in specia-lizing in this field, some useful elements to take along in their professional journey.


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