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Editore: Liberilibri
Reparto: Scienze della vita
ISBN: 9791280447586
Data di pubblicazione: 05/03/2025
Numero pagine: 240
Traduttore: O'Doherty R.
Is Arctic ice shrinking? False. The number of deaths due to natural disasters is on the rise? False. Does the data indicate an increase in extreme events? False. Do forecasts herald some planetary catastrophe in the near future? False. Underlying these widespread misconceptions is an arbitrary and instrumental use of science by green propaganda, which points the finger at Western man and his development model, alleged culprits of climate change. Nicola Porro collects the research of some authoritative specialists (physicists, geologists, climatologists, meteorologists but also economists and engineers) showing that there is no unanimity among experts around climate change, especially on the role and influence of humans. As a leading communicator, the author points out that the issue has now passed into the hands of the media, making it impossible to combat, with scientific method, a narrative that has established itself on the one hand as a kind of ecological faith, and on the other hand as the major economic and political interest of our time: the green. This book was overdue because it finally gives voice to those scientists, and their studies, too often silenced in a public debate dominated by a single opinion that, instead of reasoning on the data, demands a total consensus that has more to do with religious dogma than with the reality of the facts.
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