Italy in the OCSE di Baldi Stefano; Drei Massimo; Pierro Vito Mosè - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Italy in the OCSE

Editore: Editoriale Scientifica

Reparto: Diritto

ISBN: 9791259768629

Data di pubblicazione: 30/11/1999

Numero pagine: 172

Collana: Memorie e studi diplomatici



Italy is among the five largest contributing countries to the OSCE both financially and in terms of human resources made available to the Organization. These simple figures alone highlight the prominent role of Italy within the OSCE. However, little is known about a number of activities in certain sectors and countries in which Italy, often through the funding of specific projects, is involved. This publication provides information about the OSCE and the role Italy plays today and has played in the past within the Organization. Stefano Baldi, Massimo Drei and Vito Mosè Pierro are the Italian diplomats currently working at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the OSCE in Vienna.


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