The power of the will. Over self, over others, over fate. Practical method of personal influence di Jagot Paul-Clément - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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The power of the will. Over self, over others, over fate. Practical method of personal influence
Jagot Paul-Clément

The power of the will. Over self, over others, over fate. Practical method of personal influence

Editore: StreetLib

Reparto: Psicologia

ISBN: 9791220882262

Data di pubblicazione: 08/01/2022



To possess a great strength of character; the self-confidence that permits initiative and success; a thoughtful, resolute, tenacious will; the faculty of dominating oneself, of guiding oneself deliberately; a clear, easy, judicious confidence in the presence of anyone; the gift of influencing the thoughts and dispositions of others; the mental vigor and dexterity necessary to overcome a thousand sorts of difficulties: all this, indeed, seems inaccessible to most of us. These things, however, can be acquired. The present book will show you how to determine methodically in yourself, to a large extent, all these qualities, however little you may be disposed to it. The effectiveness of the method that we are going to expose to you has been verified by the readers of this manual themselves; twenty-five thousand copies have been sold out in six years without the slightest publicity, because everyone who has read The Power of the Will has been satisfied and has recommended it in his own environment. So let the most depressed man take courage and boldly undertake the gradual training that we indicate: his will, however weak, indecisive and fearful, will not delay in strengthening itself, persisting and imposing itself...

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