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The magic book. Ask and he will answer

The magic book. Ask and he will answer

Editore: StreetLib

Reparto: Fenomeni e tecniche paranormali

ISBN: 9791220879903

Data di pubblicazione: 30/11/1999



Is there an art to living? What does it consist of? Is it easy or difficult? This collection of maxims gives an initial answer to those questions. It is only a first step, but an important one. The necessary basis to verify if we really want to live, or only vegetate. The wisdom contained in it makes us reflect, smile, accept: we begin to understand that "there is a day to be born and a life to die", as a Chinese motto says; that awareness of existing and the will to grow are the foundations of our destiny; and above all that living is not beautiful, it is simply wonderful. Ask a question from the heart, then flip through the book will answer you, often surprising you.


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