Mortie's adventures in Europe di Von Rusten Janet - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Mortie's adventures in Europe
Von Rusten Janet

Mortie's adventures in Europe

Editore: Europa Edizioni

Reparto: Letterature straniere: testi

ISBN: 9791220143738

Data di pubblicazione: 06/12/2023

Numero pagine: 92

Collana: Build universes

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Mortie, born in the green isle of Ireland, is a cute and cuddly French Bulldog that was destined to see the world. He sets out on an adventure that has him travelling through Ireland, England, France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. On his furry adventures, he meets several other bulldogs that teach him about their languages, important buildings and food. During these amazing experiences, he will collect new friendships and treasures all along the way!


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