Behind rose bordered windows di Pollard William A. - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Behind rose bordered windows
Pollard William A.

Behind rose bordered windows

Editore: Europa Edizioni

Reparto: Letterature straniere: testi

ISBN: 9791220143387

Data di pubblicazione: 18/10/2023

Numero pagine: 296

Collana: Edificare universi

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Can you believe what you see? Let me ask you that another way. Can you really, unquestionably believe what you see? Can you really, unquestionably believe that anything you have seen actually exists, even though you have touched it? Bill Colbert thinks he inherited a field. Although this, in itself, is a surprise, more surprising is the manor house, five cottages and Trout stream that are all part of the inheritance. Little did Bill realise that he inherited a nightmare. A nightmare that will make him question his own sanity. Five cottages, all with rose bordered picture windows that hide the simplicity of the lives that live in those cottages. Five cottages, all with secrets of their own. Five secrets, hidden behind those rose bordered windows. Secrets that have been forgotten with the passage of time. Secrets that should be forgotten. Dark secrets. Secrets that no one wants repeated.


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