Protagonists in Verona. Twenty protagonists of today's fair Verona di Delmiglio Emanuele - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Protagonists in Verona. Twenty protagonists of today's fair Verona
Delmiglio Emanuele

Protagonists in Verona. Twenty protagonists of today's fair Verona

Editore: Delmiglio Editore

Reparto: Storia d'europa

ISBN: 9788896305089

Data di pubblicazione: 01/01/2009

Numero pagine: 96

Traduttore: Von Gal F.

Collana: Excellence book



A fresco of life in Verona traced through 20 stories about men and women. Remembrances, success, hopes, in a thread connecting past and future, tradition and today.The journey through charming spots and extended landscape, culture and art, cuisine and the typical, institutions and enterprises, to discover Verona, the splendor of its territory, and its special way of life.


Dublin 9
10,00 €
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