Plexus black box. A multicultural aesthetic inquiry into an international community based art project di Dernini Sandro - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Plexus black box. A multicultural aesthetic inquiry into an international community based art project
Dernini Sandro

Plexus black box. A multicultural aesthetic inquiry into an international community based art project

Editore: Università La Sapienza

Reparto: Arti

ISBN: 9788887242911

Data di pubblicazione: 01/07/2007

Numero pagine: 302



By opening Sandro Dernini's Plexus Black Box the reader begins a voyage of discovery of Plexus International: happenigns, conferences, art shows, exhibitions and eccentricities that have connected the arts and life for more than 25 years. A collaboration of voices that challenge all togheter, from New York, Dakar, Rome, Amsterdam, Sardinia, the separation of the artist from the community and resist the reduction ao the Art to te Artworld. A provocative dissertation in which Sandro Dernini takes his cue from Jacques Deridda, writes his thoughts in the margins and moves behind the academic limitations placed on his inquiry.

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