Redrawing the territories of desire and melancholy. Le voyage homoerotique. The travel writings and films of Gide, Duvert, Barthes, Genet, Taïa, Rachid O., Vallois and Bouzid di Temple Walter S. - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Redrawing the territories of desire and melancholy. Le voyage homoerotique. The travel writings and films of Gide, Duvert, Barthes, Genet, Taïa, Rachid O., Vallois and Bouzid
Temple Walter S.

Redrawing the territories of desire and melancholy. Le voyage homoerotique. The travel writings and films of Gide, Duvert, Barthes, Genet, Taïa, Rachid O., Vallois and Bouzid

Editore: Schena Editore

Reparto: Letterature straniere: critica

ISBN: 9788868062514

Data di pubblicazione: 10/07/2020

Numero pagine: 192

Collana: Biblioteca della ricerca.Transatlantique



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