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Editore: Morcelliana
Reparto: Storia e geografia della chiesa
ISBN: 9788837224257
Data di pubblicazione: 09/06/2010
Numero pagine: 220
Collana: Henoch
Theme section/sezione monografica: Ancient Judaism and Christianity in Their Graeco-Roman Context: French Perspectives (ed. French Editorial Board). Gilles Dorival, Between Judaism, Christianity, and the Greco-Roman World: The Septuagint; Marie-Françoise Baslez, Hellenismos-Ioudaismos: Cross-Approaches of Jewish-Greek Literature of Martyrdom; Carlos Levy, Breaking the Stoic Language: Philo's Attitude Towards Assent (Sunkatathesis) and Comprehension (Katalepsis) - Nicole Belayche, Angeloi in Religious Practices of the Imperial Roman East.
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