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Editore: Nuova Cultura
Reparto: Geografia generale. viaggi
ISBN: 9788833655598
Data di pubblicazione: 30/11/1999
Numero pagine: 228
In questo numero: Cristiano Pesaresi, The importance for a (scientific and didactics) Journal to be indexed in Scopus. The recent goal achieved by J-READING Kathrin Schulman, Marko Demantowksy, Teacher students' beliefs about and strategies for dealing with students' misconceptions Thematic issue - Learning Landscapes - Edited by Benedetta Castiglioni, Marcello Tanca Benedetta Castiglioni, Marcello Tanca, Learning Landscapes. Introduction Benedetta Castiglioni, Theano S. Terkenli, Marcello Tanca, "Ten Versions of the Same Scene" 40 years later: Understanding and teaching the landscape concept Sabrina Meneghello, Monica Meini, Marco Petrella, Chiara Rabbiosi, The landscape-tourism nexus as a learning object. Comparing two Italian experiences in geography higher education Alessia De Nardi, Andrea Guaran, Landscape in classroom: a survey of the educational paths in Italian secondary school textbooks Margherita Cisani, Davide Papotti, Cosmin Popan, The Courier, the Student, the Tourist: Three Perspectives on Cycling Landscapes Dino Gavinelli, Marco Maggioli, Marcello Tanca, The pandemic landscape. Experiences from the Italian fiction Valentina E. Albanese, Landscape and conflict in the age of digital surveillance. Participatory Walking through the surveilled cities
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