Dominium Dei di Mej Ivo - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Dominium Dei
Mej Ivo

Dominium Dei

Editore: Male

Reparto: Letteratura italiana: testi

ISBN: 9788832122688

Data di pubblicazione: 30/11/1999



In a chilling tale, the brutal murder of a Jesuit priest shatters the night in a future yet eerily familiar Rome. Meanwhile, in eighteenth-century Lisbon, the execution of a Jesuit marks the final chapter in the history of the Holy Inquisition.A princess, a pope, a Vatican gendarme, and another Jesuit, perhaps secretly atheistic-all are on the hunt for a murderer, but what they uncover is a disconcerting secret. Even the fearsome assassin himself seeks it, recognizing the perilous potential or perhaps the ultimate resource it could be for the Church of Rome.In truth, as always, it's money that sets everything into motion-a treasure dating back to the 1700s from the New World, poised to fall, as it always does, into the wrong hands.Drawing from the true historical account of an Italian missionary in Brazil, one who performed genuine miracles, Ivo Mej plunges us into a convoluted atmosphere of ancient and modern intrigue, weaving together past and future as though they were a seamless whole. Here, we meet men of indomitable and fierce will, cruel or exalted, but all with the power to leave an indelible mark on history.

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