Your diet in health and disease di Benjamin Harry - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Your diet in health and disease
Benjamin Harry

Your diet in health and disease

Editore: StreetLib

Reparto: Economia domestica e vita familiare

ISBN: 9788829562305

Data di pubblicazione: 01/12/2018



Introduction chapter I - Food-its digestion, absorption, and assimilation chapter II - How the body works chapter III - Our daily food chapter IV - How the nation's food is debased chapter V - The need for "pure food" chapter VI - Eating for health, not disease chapter VII - The art of combining foods chapter VIII - Vegetarianism and meat-eating chapter IX - The feeding of children chapter X - Conclusion appendix - A complete guide to health The Short Fast Regime-The All-Fruit Diet-Fruit and Milk Diet-Restricted Diet-A Week's Health Menus-When and What to Drink, and Why-Constipation, and its Cure-The Use of the Enema-Dry Friction-The Sitz-Bath-The Cold Sponge-Remedial Exercises-Breathing Exercises-Epsom Salts Baths-Special Mental Tonic.


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