Tragic Rhetoric. The Rhetorical Dimensions of Greek Tragedy di Quijada Sagredo M. (cur.); Encinas Reguero M. C. (cur.) - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Tragic Rhetoric. The Rhetorical Dimensions of Greek Tragedy

Tragic Rhetoric. The Rhetorical Dimensions of Greek Tragedy

Editore: Aracne

Reparto: Letteratura greca e latina: critica

ISBN: 9788825532968

Data di pubblicazione: 07/05/2021

Numero pagine: 412



In this book important aspects of the rhetorical dimension of Greek tragedy are analyzed with an updated approach to the subject. These elements include rhetoric linked to emotions and gender, affective communication, silences, visual euphemisms, the influence of progymnasmata, the rhetoric of secondary characters (including the messenger) and the presence of the term enarges in Greek theatre.


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